
Pearls are a significant investment, regardless of their luster grade. Be it in the form of a necklace, a pair of earrings, a pearl bracelet, etc., they're a precious family heirloom. Hence, it is only right to take thorough care of your precious gems to maximize their life, value, and optimal appearance.  

But pearls are a unique treasure, considering how they're formed organically in living marine creatures. Hence, you cannot clean them as rigorously as your harder gemstones, such as diamonds. Any tiny scratch your pearls suffer will have to remain that way for life because re-polishing is not an option for pearls. 

Pearls, you see, are comparatively a more delicate jewel. They weigh a mere 2.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, because of which we can never treat them as abrasives. Nor can we ever subject our precious pearls to an ultrasonic cleaner for jewelry, as this cleaning method, too, will ruin the outer layers of the gems. 

But the delicacy of pearls does not mean we are bereft of appropriate cleaning methods for them. Just as with other fine jewelry items, too, pearls deserve a nice cleaning every now and then. This will ensure that the precious gems are always hygienic for your sensitive skin and always look as good as new. 

By neglecting to clean your pearls, you will find them becoming yellow with time and their brightness vanishing. Hence, this article will discuss how to clean pearls with the best appropriate methods and lots more. Keep reading!

Why Pearls Require Special Care? 

Pearls are very different from other gemstones, as indeed you know. After all, they're the only precious gems formed inside living creatures of the sea and have a very different composition from other harder gemstones, like diamond or titanium. 

The formation of pearls is genuinely an exquisite event. One of the unique creatures of the sea, a mussel, oyster, clam, or mollusk as you know it, gives birth to a pearl when a particle in its shell irritates it. In response to this irritation, the mussel secretes an iridescent, shiny substance that encapsulates the particle. 

Over time, the pearls develop a nacre coating, which is responsible for the luster. The thickness of the nacre layers depends mainly upon the mollusk and the amount of time and type of water it lives in.

However, despite several layers, the nacre coating is still quite soft, which is why a pearl's exterior is so vulnerable to damage. This fragility of the gem necessitates special care and cleaning methods for it. 

The advantage of owning pearls with thick nacre layers is that the thicker the nacre, the more durable and beautiful your pearl will be. Also note that the nacre thickness largely contributes to the luster of the pearl, one of its most essential and value-defining elements. 

Hence, the thicker the nacre layers, the higher the durability and quality of your gem. Also, the increased thickness lends a rainbow-like iridescence and reflective luster to your precious pearls. But there's a drawback to this, too: as unique and beautiful as they are, they do not last more than 200 years. 

After 200 years of their existence, pearls tend to start naturally degrading, which isn't surprising considering their organic formation. The point, as you see, is that the nacre's thickness directly impacts the fragility or strength of a pearl. 

If you own a string of pearls with thin nacre layers, they'll be more fragile than the other varieties and require extreme care. The fragility of thin-layered pearls also makes them more susceptible to chipping, so if you're not careful in your cleaning tactics, you may end up cracking, chipping, or causing ungainly gaps in the pearls. 

This is why pearl experts strongly recommend against chemical cleaners and ultrasonic jewelry cleaners for pearls. In the worst case, those can even unravel your pearls entirely, leaving behind hollow and lifeless beads. 

How to Clean Pearls? 

Here are some general rules to follow for the best cleaning methods for pearls. 

1. Inspect your Pearls thoroughly first 

Make time for a thorough inspection before cleaning your pearls. When certain jewelry items have been stored away for a while, their strings, closures, and other components may not be as sound. 


Hence, before beginning to clean, it would be great to double-check your pearl jewelry to ensure its strings have not loosened, the clasps are opening and closing correctly, etc. Also, inspect each pearl on the jewelry piece to ensure none are damaged. 


In case of any damages, loosening, or faulty clasps, it would be better to hand them to an expert jeweler to repair and clean the piece. 

2. Wipe Softly with a Flannel Cloth after each Wear


Do not use a rough textured cloth for cleaning your pearls. Reserve the softest dry cloth (preferably a flannel piece) to wipe your pearls down after each wear. Before you store your pearl jewelry away after an event, wipe it clean with a soft flannel cloth. This will remove all the oils and pollutants from your skin and the environment that are sticking to the tender pearls. If you ignore this step, the oils and pollutants will eventually damage or stain your pearls. 

3. Thoroughly Air-Dry Before Storing


When storing your pearl jewelry, it is best to wrap them in another soft, clean cloth, like flannel, and then place them in your jewelry storage drawer. This will keep all specks of dust and other pollutants from reaching the satiny, shiny pearls. 

4. Prepare a Mild DIY Cleaning Solution


When you think it's time to thoroughly clean your pearls, start with a gentle solution. You can prepare one at home by combining an unscented, mild soap with lukewarm water. You should never use hot water as it could damage the gems. We highly recommend a gentle baby soap in two cups of lukewarm water for making a solution. Next, dampen a soft cloth with the solution and wipe each pearl gently. Leave them on a separate, soft, clean cloth to dry thoroughly before you store them away. 

5. Promptly Replace Damaged or Stained String


With time, the string that holds your pearls on it in a jewelry item can also darken or loosen. It's common to notice stains on the stringers of your pearl jewelry over time. In such a case, we recommend having the strings changed and asking your jewelry experts to thoroughly clean your pearls as well. 


If you allow the stained and darkened strings to remain, they may, over time, cause the pearls to stain and lose their luster too. Also, getting your jewelry professionally cleaned once in a while will increase its longevity and value. 

6. Protect against Exposure to Heat 


Keep your pearls away from heat, even hot water, when cleaning them. Pearls are susceptible to heat, and exposure to it could damage you and their settings. 

7. Never use Chemical Jewelry Cleaners 


We strongly recommend avoiding chemical cleaners for your pearls. You may argue that they're natural or specially made for delicate jewelry, but you should avoid them. Even organic jewelry cleaners contain strong acids, commonly vinegar. This can damage your precious pearls within no time, as can alcohol or ammonia too. 

8. Replace Damaged Pearls to Revive Pearl Heirlooms


Despite the best care, you may notice a pearl or two on your precious heirloom that has been damaged with time. When such a situation arises, it is best to consult a jeweler or pearl specialist to see what can be done.


Professional jewelers often find the perfect match for damaged pearls, either on strings or in a suite, and replace them. A new pearl instead of a damaged one is the best way to revive an heirloom article. 

9. Clean Metal Studs Smartly 


Pearls in metal studs are a trendy jewelry item. Perhaps you own many pearl items in metal structures too. The best way to clean the metal thoroughly without damaging the pearls is to use a cotton bud. Dip one end of it in some rubbing alcohol and carefully sanitize only the metal stud with it. Be careful not to let the Q-tip touch your pearl.

10. Don’t Skip Cleaning Your Pearls 


Pearls are undoubtedly sensitive jewelry items, but that does not mean we forego their cleaning. The more consistently we clean our pearls, the more hygienic, sparkly, and durable they will be. After all, good maintenance ensures a longer life and greater value for any investment, doesn't it?

11. Avoid Toothbrush Bristles for Cleaning 


Pearls can get scratched very quickly, even when you're being careful. Even the softest toothbrush bristles can accidentally chip the delicate nacre of pearls. Hence, when cleaning the sparkly gems, be very careful, focused, and smart to prevent damage. 

Pearl Maintenance Tips 


As we mentioned above, pearls can last for 200 years before decomposing naturally. However, to make them last well for that long, it is essential to take thorough care of the pearls. 


With some maintenance tips, you can make your pearls stay in optimal condition long enough to pass down as heirlooms to your generations. Let's take a look at them below:

1. Flaunt your Pearls Frequently 


Well, not literally, but it is good to wear your pearls whenever possible. Considering the significant value and unique beauty of pearls, you may feel tempted to keep them safe from wear and tear. As such, you may feel it is better to keep your pearls locked away safely instead of wearing them too often. But in reality, the opposite is true and necessary for maximizing the life of your pearls. 


You see, pearls come from marine creatures and, thus, spend a reasonable amount of time in the water during their formation. 


Hence, they respond well to moist environments. You should wear your pearls now and then to keep them from drying out. 

2. Put the Pearls on Last 


When you're planning to wear your pearls to an event, please do not wear them before you start getting ready. We recommend saving them till the last, just before you're about to step out of the house before you put them on. Pearls are sensitive to chemicals, and perfumes and cosmetics can damage them. 


Moreover, we all have to make frequent and quick movements while getting ready, especially when opting for an elaborate hairstyle and makeup look. If you wear the pearls before you're ready, an accident could cause a scratch on them or even worse. 

3. Designate a Special Storage Space 


Pearls are thankfully not too space-consuming. Their compact size makes it easy to store them, but you must be careful where and what you're storing them with. We recommend safely putting away your pearl jewelry in separate, fabric-lined drawers or compartments. 


Being prone to scratches and damage, you won’t have to worry about your delicate gems bumping against harder gemstone beads in your compartment. Also, we strongly advise you to lay your pearl jewelry flat in storage. 


You may want to hang them on convenient jewelry racks so that your pearl necklaces, earrings, etc., are within easy reach. But laying them flat in storage will prevent stretching and loosening strings. 

Tips to Keep Pearls Clean Longer 


When you have acquired a set of natural pearls, you naturally want them to remain clean, polished, and shiny for a long time. Considering the hefty investment in pearls, it is only natural to worry about them, mainly if you undertake their cleaning at home. 

But fret not; with tips from pearl experts below, your pearls will remain clean for longer. 

  1. For freshwater pearls, clean the jewelry items after every wear. Simply wipe them with a dry, flannel cloth. If you find them dirtier with pollutants or oil, you may dampen your jewelry cleaning cloth to wipe them. 

  2. Even with cultured pearls, it would be best to wipe them after each wear before storing them in special compartments. This will make sure your pearls come out looking brand new each time you intend to flaunt them. 

  3. Regardless of the type, if you own genuine pearls, never put them away before wiping them clean after each use. This is the secret to scratch-free, polished and clean-looking pearls. 

  4. If you find your pearls yellowing in storage, it doesn't mean they're fake. On the contrary, yellowing pearls are signs of a natural aging process. This is a testament that your pearls are indeed natural. But what you can do to prevent yellowing is to store your real pearls in ventilated areas. Do not allow them to stay in dry, hot locations, as that will quickly damage the real pearls. 

  5. Do not hesitate to wear your pearls frequently. It's good for their lifespan and means you'll clean them often. 

  6. Use only the mildest soaps you have for the cleaning solution. Dishwashing liquids and soaps do not count and should be avoided on pearls. 

  7. You may use acetone for pearls if they show the earliest signs of yellowing. However, note that there is a certainty that acetone will restore the whiteness of your real pearls. 

  8. Use purified water to soak your flannel cloth before wiping your pearls. Also, dry them on special pearl cloths available in stores to preserve the longevity of the gems. 

Precautions to take when washing your pearls 

As an owner of real pearls, we understand your desire to protect your precious gemstones' ethereal beauty and exquisite soft glow. But since they're incredibly delicate, it may pose a challenge to avoid any damage to them over the years. 

The following precautions should be taken when washing your pearls to ensure maximum protection. 


When preparing the solution for cleaning your pearls, make sure the water is warm or at room temperature. If the water temperature is even slightly hot, it could rupture the outer layer of the pearl. Besides, pearls come from a moist environment and, thus, do not respond well to hot and dry environments. 

Use only flannel or lint-free cotton fabrics for the cleaning routine. Any rougher texture will work as an abrasive on your tender pearls. 

If you find yourself out of stock of mild soaps, it is better to delay the cleaning session rather than risk the health of your pearls. Any soap or cleaning liquids with acids, chemicals, or vinegar can destroy the pearls for good. Baking soda isn't a good option for pearls, either. 


Do not use any abrasive materials for scrubbing the pearls. Remember, once scratched, there's no fixing them again. 

Steam cleaners are an absolute no for pearl cleaning.


Do not expose your pearls to sunlight or hot objects ever. The surface of pearls can take quite a beating from heat exposure, which is mostly irreversible.

Final Thoughts 


Pearls are the only gemstones to form inside living marine creatures. Due to the type of water they develop in and stay in for quite some time, they have specific attributes that make them delicate. 


In comparison, pearls are fragile and prone to damage against harder gemstones like diamonds and others. This is why cleaning them with the mildest solutions, cloths, and cleaning techniques is crucial to preserving their structure and appearance.

December 29, 2022 — Arun Yadav

Arun Yadav

Arun Yadav is a distinguished expert in the gemstone industry, with over 18 years of experience honed through his family's legacy in sourcing and manufacturing beads. As the CEO of Beads Of Cambay, Arun combines his deep knowledge of the bead market with innovative strategies to lead the company to new heights. Arun's background includes previous roles at UPS and a BA in Business and Economics from Stony Brook University, equipping him with a robust skill set in E-Commerce, B2B sales, online marketing, brand development, and more. 

Based in Lawrenceville, Arun is a prolific writer and thought leader, sharing his insights and experiences through engaging content that resonates with both industry professionals and consumers. His work not only sets new standards in the gemstone market but also inspires excellence and innovation.

To learn more about Arun Yadav's expertise and stay updated on his latest contributions to the gemstone market, connect with him on LinkedIn, and Facebook. His innovative approach and dedication make him a pivotal figure in the ongoing evolution of the bead and gemstone industry.

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