Make Your Own Seashell Jewelry

You already know that the ocean can provide you with food and fun, but did you know it has everything you need to make amazing jewelry? We’re not talking about expensive pearls. It's more like the simple things, like shells of different shapes, sizes and colors. You may have seen amazing necklaces made from shells by the seashore, and probably even picked up a few pieces to match your cool summer outfit. However, ready-made seashell necklaces can cost a lot of money, and sometimes may not last very long.

So how about making your own?

You don’t need much, plus, it’s a great excuse to go to the beach during the summer. In between soaking up the sun, lying in the soft sand, and enjoying a dip in the cool water, you can go on a treasure hunt for the making of fabulous bling like seashell necklaces.

Beach Covered in Shells

Make a fun experience of it all. Get a map and do a search on all the
beaches near to you. Know which ones are best known for their
seashell treasure? On your map, mark down the places that are
known for their seashells. You can also try hitting up beaches that
are far away from you. Get the whole family to take the trip with
you, or grab a couple of friends and head out there yourself.

What You’ll Need


Collection Bag

On your next trip to the beach, take a bag. Any bag will do, because with shells comes sand. Make sure the bag is strong enough to hold the weight of your shell collection.



A Good Craft Store

You will need a good craft store for supplies, like beads, string, paint,
and clasp hooks for the ends of your seashell necklaces. Look around
the store for inspiration. Once you get the hang of seashell necklace
making, you can be creative and do something totally out of the box.


Nail, Bead reamer, or Drimmel

Don’t have a large power drill? To make a hole in the shells grab a
thin nail or bead reamer and gently turn until a hole has begun.
Once you’ve pierced through the seashell, you will need to make
the hole a bit wider to pass a chain, wire, yarn, or cord through it. To
do that, again wiggle a larger diameter implement in the hole to
make it bigger. Another method is to use a small handheld Drimmel
tool with a drill bit of the diameter size needed. These tools are
relatively inexpensive, found in most hardware stores, and save
time when drilling your shells.
(Practice a few times on plain old shells before doing it on the
precious little unique gems you picked up.)

DIY Seashell Necklaces You Can Try Out

So, let’s get down to business and see what awesomeness you can create with the seashells
you have collected.

1. The Simple Seashell Pendant

    1. If you like the simplicity of seashells, this one is for you!

    1. Simply pick out the shell you like the best from your
      collection bag and carefully make a hole through it.

    1. Select the type of material you would like as your necklace
      wire, cord, chain, or yarn.

    1. Make sure the hole is large enough for the material to pass
      through your shell.

    1. If the chain or cord is too big, use a jump ring. Twist it open,
      and then pass it through the hole(s) in your shell. Now you
      can pass the cord or chain through the jump ring.

    1. Add clasp hooks at the end. Or just knot it up if you are
      using cord or yarn.
      You can mix it up with dierent seashell pendants.

2. The Double Pendant Seashell Necklace

Sometimes one is not enough. You need more! With a DIY seashell necklace, you can have as many shells and pendants as you want on your necklace.

    1. Pick out the shells you would like to add to your necklace.

    1. Make a hole in each one and thread some wire through them.

    1. Choose your necklace material such as yarn, chain, or cord.

    1. You can also pick out a charm or pendant other than a seashell to go into the mix.

    1. If the chain or cord is too big, get a small jump ring. Twist it open, and then pass it through the
      hole(s) in your shells. Now you can pass the cord or chain through the pendants.

    1. Thread the pendants through the necklace material.

    1. Add hooks at the end, or just knot it up if you are using cord or yarn.

3. The Painted Seashell Necklace

You probably found this really fabulously shaped seashell, but don’t know if it’s too plain to
match your personality or your wardrobe. Some seashells are really plain and white. If you want
funky and cool, you have another option. All you need is paint! Gold, silver, or multicolor! You
could even try some glitter. It’s all about what you like.

    1. Select the shells you would like to paint.

    1. Choose the kind of paint you want (oil paint will give you a shiny nish).
      Also pick out the paint color of your choice.

    1. Make holes in the shells.

    1. Paint them. Always paint the shell after you punch holes in the shells. This way
      you can avoid scratching the paint.

    1. If the chain or cord is too big, use a small jump ring. Twist it open, and
      then pass it through the hole(s) in your shell. Now you can pass the
      cord or chain through the pendant.

    1. Thread the pendants through the necklace.

    1. Add hooks at the end, or just knot it up if you are using cord or yarn.

4. The Tiny Wonders Seashell Necklace

When you go to the seashore to collect shells, don’t ignore the tiny ones, but make sure they
are big enough to make holes in them, or you will end up with shell dust! You’ll need a few
extra things for this seashell necklace:

- Large metal hoops or bigger jump rings (8-15mm diameter)

- Clasp Hooks (for the ends)

- Jump rings

- Paint

    1. Set aside all your small shells. You could pick the same kind or
      different ones

    1. Create holes through each one of them.

    1. Paint the shells and leave them to dry.

    1. Pass a jump ring through once they have dried.

    1. Now add the hoops. Interlink them with the material or chain to form
      a necklace. The length is up to you.

    1. Attach the shells to the hoops. Not every hoop – leave a few between shells.

    1. Add clasp hooks to the ends.

5. The Seashell Collage – Seashell Necklace

Another way to use those pretty little seashells is to make a collage out of them. What you’ll
need is:

- A plain hoop large enough for your seashells inside the ring.

- Some resin

- A jump ring

    1. Pass the jump ring through the big ring.

    1. Select tiny little shells that will ft into this ring. The
      smaller the shell is even better. Pretty broken pieces will

    1. Place each shell within the ring. Arrange them according
      to your liking.

    1. Now cover the shells with a coat of clear resin.

    1. Once the resin has dried, thread your chain, yarn, or wax
      cord through the jump ring.

    1. Add hooks at the end, or just knot it up if you are using
      cord or yarn.

You can play around with the size of the ring..

6. The Chunky Jewelry Seashell Necklace

Big seashells can be used to make lovely chunky necklaces that you can wear with formal outfits
or casual clothes. Huge pieces are perfect for this and, if you have a really big piece, go all out.
Or find big broken pieces of seashells on the seashore, so look out for those – it will save you
the trouble. What you will need is:

- A chain with links big enough to put a jump ring through it.

- Jump rings


    1. Pick out the seashell or pieces that you would like to add
      to the necklace. Choose the ones that are similar in color
      or an assortment to your liking.

    1. Arrange them along the chain.

    1. Make holes in all of them.

    1. Put the jump ring through each one of the seashell

    1. Now add each one to the links in the chain. If you want,
      you can leave a few links in between each shell. The
      spacing is totally up to you.

7. Beads in Your Seashell Necklace

Why stick to the traditional chain or string necklace? You can have something really colorful and
lively, too. What you’ll need is:

- Jewelry wire

- Tiny beads to thread with the wire

- Jump ring

    1. Get the seashell you would like as your necklace pendant.

    1. Pierce a hole through it and pass a big jump ring through it.

    1. Take the wire and thread some beads through it. You can
      go for a single thread of beads, or three, as long as it can
      hold the weight of the seashell pendant.

    1. Attach the pendant to the necklace.

    1. Add a hook and a jump ring to the ends of the necklace.

8. Seashells on Seashell – Seashell Necklace

How about some creativity? A piece like you’ve never seen before. What you’ll need is:

- A large seashell and some tiny ones

- Colored or natural sand

- Super glue or resin

- Pearls

    1. Get the largest seashell in your collection.

    1. Pierce a hole through it and attach a jump ring to it.

    1. Determine the side of the shell you’d like to stick the little shells on – the inside or outside.

    1. Arrange the tiny shells on the large one to see which arrangement suits it.

    1. Attach the small seashell and pearls to the big seashell with the superglue or resin.

    1. After it dries, add sand or burnish with paint.

    1. Once everything is dry, thread your pendant through your chain or wax cord.

    1. Add hooks at the end, or just knot it up if you are using cord.

9. Spiral Pattern Seashell Necklace

If you want your seashell pendant to be one of a kind and totally out of the box, you can cover it
in patterns of paint, metal wire, or both. What you’ll need is:

- Wire

- Paint

- Resin or superglue

- Jump ring

    1. Pick a big shell – this will make it easier to stick your patterns to it.

    1. Paint the shell with the color of your choice.

    1. Make a hole in the seashell and attach the jump ring to the shell.

    1. Now twist the wire to form pretty squiggles and curls.

    1. You can use colored wire if you want to, or natural metal wire as it is.

    1. Now affix the wire to the shell with the help of super glue or resin.

    1. Pass the pendant through a chain, some yarn, or a cord.

    1. Add clasp hooks at the end, or just knot it up if you are using cord.

Now that you have the necessary tools to make your own seashell necklace, let your creativity
run wild. Don’t restrict yourself to just seashell necklaces, though. You can make bracelets,
anklets, and pretty little keepsakes. There’s an ocean of opportunities out there. All you need to
do is put your mad skills into action and create seashell art you can wear. DIY seashell necklaces
also serve as excellent gifts for friends and family. If you’re going for a treasured memory of your
trip or a gift where the thought counts, this it!

October 28, 2015 — Arun Yadav

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